Droine, Bleeder of Souls

The Universal God of Profane and Death, Droine

God of youth, immortality, theft of vitality, parasitism and exploitation of victims.
For the Profane, Death is a very useful tool. After all, if someone gets in his way or bothers him, he just has to kill him. But why does it stop there?
The Profane seeks to have everything, even if it means using something, he just wants the pleasure of possessing it. Knowing that something is his delights him. However, death is an obstacle to this. You cannot continue to possess things if you are dead. It is this extreme desire to continue living that Droine keeps. It is this desire that motivates him.
He is the god of prolonging life, no matter how much death you have to cause to do so. It does not matter who suffers or is harmed, as long as you continue to live to get what you want. Ambition is nothing if you are dead so as not to satisfy it.
However, the Profane finds the concept of surviving, at the very least, pathetic. Surviving with the bare minimum, being content with little, is what mediocre people do. The Profane do not just want to continue living, they want to remain young and with their bodies at the peak of their health, shape and beauty. It is in this aspect that Droine abuses death. He absorbs the vitality of living beings, aging them, while rejuvenating himself. Those who follow him not only kill the person, taking their life, but they do so by prolonging their own. It is not enough to just take something from another person, one must also gain something for oneself for the satisfaction to be greater. For Droine, Death is more than a tool to kill others, but rather something that improves oneself. The death of someone is generally something that happens once in the universe for each person, better than this moment, and everything it has to offer, being taken advantage of to the fullest. Droine takes care of many parasites throughout the universe, living beings that need to drain others to continue living. It doesn’t matter what material it is, be it blood, flesh, vitality, it doesn’t matter what you need to consume from someone to stay alive, consume, consume as much as you need and as much as you want until that being has nothing left to offer you. Then discard it.
However, his control over Death goes beyond that. Droine is known as the “Bleeder of Souls” and the “Butcher of the Dead” because he stores, traps and tortures souls to extract their Arimeza (energy produced by souls). With this energy, he and his worshipers are capable of great feats, especially rejuvenation. It is not enough to age the person, stealing their vitality for himself, Droine practices and encourages the exploitation of even the souls of his victims for his own benefit.
It does not matter if he is dying or dead, explore everything your victim has to offer you. Take everything you want for yourself.

Eiban, The Chainer


The Universal God of Profane and Order, Eiban

God of slavery, chains, oppression.

Like order, Eiban seeks control at all costs. And above all, control over others. And a great way that order does this is with its chains.

Eiban is totally focused on chaining and mass slavery. Everything that is weaker must be chained, enslaved and forced to work to build a stable society, his society.

For Eiban, order should not be offered, it should be imposed. People, civilizations and governments that strive for order go through countless problems due to the moderation of how this order is practiced. Giving room for chaos to manifest, even if in an inconvenient way and not being a real threat to stability.

For this god, this order that exists only to make people feel safe, while allowing others to cause

problems only to perhaps punish them is a complete waste of potential.

Eiban wants a government of absolute order; no one has the freedom to even dream of weakening this order if he does not allow it. What a worshipper of Eiban wants is a stable, controlled and strong government, his government. Without problems such as crime, disorder, vandalism or even discussion. There is no middle ground; the chainer orders and the chained do. If you do not have freedom of choice, you cannot choose to create problems.

Interegors of Eiban

Interegor Lord

Lord of Chains

Horblash, the Peacemaker, the Ruler

The Universal God of Profane and Holy , Horblash


Despite being contradictory, since the Profane and Holy are polar opposites, this god and his Interegors spread peace wherever they go. However, just because a world is at peace does not mean it is well. Horblash supports the idea of ​​dominion and tyranny above all else, an absolute government that maintains peace, as the Holy likes, but with the evil oppression of the Profane.
Anyone with dreams and ambitions of ruling, of having a title or a set of things that puts him above all others, and keeps them below, is very attracted to this god Leinen. Anyone who wants to achieve and experience a life where he rules and others obey, is more than welcome to work with Horblash.
Unlike Eiban, as much as he and Horblash share ideas, Horblash does not want people to feel oppressed in his rule. He wants to be worshiped, loved. He wants them to beg for his rule. Horblash creates a government so competent that its citizens clamor to conquer new territories. Ordinary, good people who spend enough time under Horblash’s rule begin to think they are better than others just for being there.
This god is not a follower of malice, but rather of persuasion. He awakens ambitions in the humblest. People who were always kind and generous are converted into fanatics for power and conquest. They discover desires they never knew they had. For Horblash, there is ambition and a conqueror inside everyone, all he does is awaken it.
He creates something like a flower in the desert, the flower being his kingdom. He makes a point of showing what the world is like outside his domain, which people are grateful to live under his protection. He promotes war and misery outside, so that no one inside dares to question how good and wonderful it is to live there. A good ruler, above all, must show why he is absolutely necessary. That way, they will never want him to leave. He is extremely intelligent, his territory is absolutely protected and controlled, and is always expanding. What keeps much of Horblash’s strength constant is his recruitment tactics. Coups and power grabs are rewarded by him. If a ruler, with all his power, could not maintain his rule, then he was not worthy of having it. Horblash likes those who can get to the top, admires those who can stay there, adores those who can climb even higher, and brings down those who think too highly of themselves.

The peace that Horblash and his followers create is based on how bad the world is without their governments. They create protection, security, prosperity, they create peace. The people who live happily in them do not realize how dependent they are on their rulers. They spend their lives happily in the hands of Leinen, who do not realize how bad it is to depend on someone who would sacrifice you at the first need. Horblash’s peace is so tied to him that people will fight and die to maintain it.

The good life that Horblash’s rule creates has never been and will never be free. When Horblash needs to reassert his importance, he weakens a portion of his territory, allowing the enemy to enter and massacre his people, only to arrive and save the day with his servants. Thus, everyone celebrates and gives thanks for living under his rule and for his existence alone. He can never be unappreciated or unneeded, and this reminder is always displayed under the bodies of those who have died to remind everyone how hostile, violent and terrifying the world can be, while living under the Peacemaker’s care is a true blessing. The bodies of the victims rot while the survivors applaud their ruler. But when the god needs to remind them of their importance, perhaps those who applaud will no longer be able to do so next time. Being in line may be nice, but soon it may be your turn.
Eiban sees slavery as a way to control, to prevent unforeseen events, irritations, nothing more than a way to maintain order. Horblash sees slavery as a way to demonstrate his own greatness and power. The only slaves he allows are those of war, defeated enemies, or anyone found outside his domain. This makes the citizens of Horblash feel even better for not being against him.

Even though they seem like a prosperous and ordinary society, those ruled by this god have a fanatical and sadistic instinct against foreigners. To these people, everyone who does not live in Horblash’s domain is a miserable and imbecile bastard who deserves everything bad that happens to them for not living under the protection of their god. They do not accept being inferior in absolutely anything. They mistreat and even torture anyone just to show how stupid and inferior they are just for not living under the rule of the Peacemaker. Torture, abuse, exploitation, and oppression are ways for these people to assert their own superiority. Being the oppressor and not the oppressed is how they convince themselves that every day under Horblash’s guard is a blessing.

They are not irrational, violent or driven by destruction. The Interegors of Horblash are polite, intelligent and thoroughly social, having the least monstrous appearance of all the Interegors, many are beautiful, wearing noble and elegant armor.

Interegors of Horblash

Lord Interegor

Peace Tyrant

The greatest servants of Horblash, his Interegor Lords, The Peace Tyrants.

The most disciplined, sociable like no other, but cruel beyond compare. Through physical and mental mastery, they plan, wage war, conquer and rule with tyrannical authority. They have the most human appearance among all the Interegor lords. They have large vocabularies, calm, peaceful and malicious mentalities. They are great listeners, always interested in news and proposals, never interrupting the person until they finish what they have to say, at least as long as they say something that the Peace Tyrant is interested in. They are great warriors, being able to fight with all types of weapons, both close and long range, but each one has a favorite, and there are even those who prefer their own fists. However, they are great administrators, strategists and above all: rulers. Their policies follow the line of tyrannical peace. They are diplomatic and negotiable with governments and people more powerful than them, and attack and dominate those who are weaker. Despite being cruel, they rarely let others make important decisions in their governments, the power can only be in their hands, and no one else’s. They govern with malice, oppression and elegance. They place great value on that which is noble to them. Whether it’s castles, statues, paintings, or anything else that most beings don’t have. They are noble, not in morality, but in aesthetics. They always wear expensive and complete armor, as well as the most beautiful and deadly weapons possible. Everything around them: their armies, cities, castles, armor, weapons, halls and thrones are made to demonstrate their nobility, their rule. And although his soldiers and servants enjoy everything he provides, the Peace Tyrant always makes it clear that, in the end, everything used by his servants, as well as themselves, belongs to him.


The Universal God of Profane and Life , Vestian


God of poisons, toxins, plagues and diseases.

The Profane is driven by ambition, and this ambition usually includes removing someone from the path that is preventing them from achieving their goal.

Since most of the obstacles to their ambition are other people and they must be eliminated, they need means to eliminate them. For Vestian, it is not necessary to think too much or go too far to obtain these means. Life already provides them naturally. Profane is malice, it is wanting to win, no matter what you have to do. It does not matter how much better, stronger or more capable your enemy is, all that matters to you, as a profane, is that you win.

In this way, nature demonstrates its malice in the form of poisons. A way for a weaker being to bring down a giant. No matter how strong you are, no matter how great you are, no matter how much you deserve your power, you die to the poison. Unjust, cowardly and lethal. Just the way the Profane likes it. Vestian sees poisons and diseases as practical ways to eliminate his enemies, whether by stealthily poisoning someone who was a political obstacle or even poisoning an entire army on the battlefield to win the war. For this god, life has already given him the tools to win, he just needs to use them.

Whether in politics or in war, there is nothing that poison cannot solve.

Floint, Painful Fun

The Universal God of Profane and Chaos, Floint

God of fun, entertainment, pleasure, excitement, arts, shows, performances and games.

Floint is the Master of Fun, a Profane god who seeks self-satisfaction above all else. The thirst to satisfy his desires is what drives Floint. Total surrender to emotions and physical sensations is his philosophy.
Don’t worry about the past or think about the future. Live, enjoy and feel the present. Floint favors a life lived only for that which gives you pleasure, fun and excitement. Be it the fun of fighting, the excitement of gambling or the pleasure of sex. No matter what kind of fun a person likes, Floint can offer it in extreme excess.
Living every second for what you like to do is what Floint wants. The problem with this is that no matter how pleasurable something is, if it is practiced all the time, it ends up losing its value. Even the most delicious food in the world, if it is served every day, becomes common. And when normal pleasure becomes common, the only thing that can be done to bring excitement back is to raise the level.
When betting money or promises is no longer exciting, bet parts of your body or even your life. When sex becomes the same thing every day, add mutilation and torture to spice it up. When the most absurd and complex circus acts become predictable and boring, add real risk of death to the choreography. When the most glorious frame and the rarest paints no longer inspire you to create paintings, use blood as paint and flayed skin as a frame, and paint while listening to the screams of pain and suffering of the one whose blood and skin were removed to make this work possible.
When you reach the limit where the pain of others does not arouse any pleasure, this person begins to suffer on purpose to feel something. The desperation of extreme excess leads you to use your own body, the last thing that still generates stimulation, to satisfy your desires, even if it is pain and mutilation.

No matter what, the fun cannot stop. The moment someone in Floint’s domain rests, everyone else will see him as just something they can use for fun, and will do whatever they want with him. There is no sleep or rest, no one has fun when they are still. For Floint, stopping is not an option. If you reach your limit, have fun until you die, that is, be used to amuse others. In Chaos, everyone is free, until the freedom of the strong overrides that of the weak. And Floint understands this very well. It doesn’t matter if everyone is having fun, if the strong wants to “play” with the weak to have fun, he can. Because the only right the weak have is to be used.

Interegors of Floint

Lord Interegor

Crazy Jester

The greatest servants of Floint, his Interegor Lords, The Crazy Jesters.

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