“We will spill every blood in this world until only ours remains.”
— Popular saying among the descendants of Maliris.
Founded by the elf Maliris over 300 years ago, Dranate is the largest kingdom in Eredwyn, having conquered its territories and advanced its society over the years. Based primarily on blood supremacy, and secondarily on racial supremacy, Dranate, as the name suggests, is the “Government of Dranis”.
Dranis are all those who have the blood of Maliris. 300 years ago, Maliris challenged three great elven families of Grondelia, defeating the patriarch of all of them, he assumed command of the families. As a first act, he killed every male in the family, and began to reproduce with all the females over the course of those 3 centuries. And from that, Dranate was created.
In Dranate, being drani is the ideal, being an elf is tolerated. All other races are massacred or enslaved, and most of the time, they are not even treated as living beings. With the domination of the south and southeast of the continent, even reaching the center of the continent, becoming the largest kingdom in the world, the Drani began to have a culture of extreme superiority, not only over other races, but over any culture and people that were not theirs. Even elves, who are not frowned upon in Dranato, can be considered inferior by the most elite Drani, as common elves do not have the blood of King Maliris in their veins.
The Drani population began to grow since the founding of the Dranate, extremely concentrated in the 3 great families that are led by Maliris. Each of the 3 families represents one of the three aspects of the god Karlix’s fire, god of tyranny who favors Maliris and is the most worshiped of the Dranate.
The three families are: Airvoline, Beltif and Coilav.
- Airvoline — They embody the smoke of Karlix’s Fire, representing the aspect of dark oppression.
“Success through sacrifice”
A black-haired family composed mainly of industrialists, researchers, scientists, occult magicians and logisticians. They are responsible for developing anything that improves the kingdom and helps it in any way, especially weapons. Naturally, they have no concern for morals or ethics, preferring to use the most painful methods to achieve the most horrendous results.
They are also responsible for administration and logistics within the territory of Maliris. They supervise slaves, guard roads and borders, take care of logistics, distribution of supplies and resources, as well as teach prodigies, those who have great potential to improve the kingdom, all these trades. - Beltif — They embody the glow of Karlix’s Fire, representing the aspect of golden beauty.
“Beauty in all things, all that is beautiful is ours”
A family of blonds made up of artists, blacksmiths, craftsmen, merchants, inventors and domesticators. They are responsible for culture, entertainment and for bringing different things to the kingdom. Most of the family stays in the comfort of their homes producing art such as paintings, dances, music and even weapons in the forge. However, the most daring of the family seek out beauties outside their kingdoms, new beauties, never seen before. Unlike the Coilav explorers, who seek to discover lands to conquer, the Beltif seek what those lands have that is different for the Drani culture to assimilate.
In this way, they focus on taking possession of and bringing back beautiful things such as spices, precious metals, jewels, exotic animals, which if they are strong will certainly be added to the army. Even within their homes, they produce truly legendary works, especially when it comes to forging weapons. Practiced primarily by the men of the families, the best, strongest, and most beautiful weapons used by the noblest Drani came from the hands of a Beltif. Thus, the Beltif are true hunters and producers of treasures made to add to the power and culture of the Drani people, and preferably these treasures are beautiful. - Coilav — They embody the flame of the Fire of Karlix, representing the aspect of crimson exploration.
“There is no strength beyond what is seen”
A family of redheads composed of warriors, athletes, scouts, hunters and sailors. They are responsible for the expansion of the territory of Maliris, whether by discovering new lands rich in resources and with great geographical value, or by invading and conquering this land, as well as everything and anyone in it.
They are violent and brutal to a frightening degree. They enjoy massacring and defeating their adversaries with monstrous strength and rapid attacks. It is said that a defeated people are so traumatized by the Coilav that they never look up again, so as not to see the bloody faces of the members of this brutal and warlike family.
Even though they live under the rule of the same king, the three families see themselves as rivals for Maliris’s favor and attention, with Maliris himself instigating this competition as a way to always keep the Dranate strong, growing and expanding its qualities and strengths.
In Dranate, a good way for a non-Drani elf to rise socially is by marrying a Drani. Even though his life becomes easier with the riches and privileges of the Drani nobility, this elf will never be considered one of them, being practically a parasite that they tolerate in them body.
Romantic relationships are not common among Dranis from different families, given the level of competitiveness between them. However, the most elite Drani marry and have children with their relatives from the same family, some of them extremely close, such as siblings, seeing this as a way to keep the blood pure. Maliris does not openly encourage this, but sees no problem with the idea.
The capital of Dranate is the coastal city of Atrika. The capital of Dranate is the coastal city of Atrika. And each Familia has a city as its own capital within Dranate.
Since the founding of the Dranate, the number of Dranis has grown exponentially over the course of three centuries. And with this number and power acquired, it was necessary to differentiate the hierarchy within the families very well. Even though they are rivals and different, the titles function in the same way in all families.
Malirernas, meaning “Favorite of Maliris”, are the main wife of Maliris in each of the three families. Each of these women is usually the mother of his firstborn son in each family. Even though they have greater authority and influence in their entire families than the other wives, the Malirernas are named only to represent Maliris’ favoritism as they were the first to be chosen to bear his children at the beginning of the Dranate.
“My blood will rule the world. Beginning with you.”
— Maliris, king of the Drani, seeing his 3 adult children ready to serve him.
Arliks are the leaders of each of the families. Currently being the first and oldest sons of Maliris with his malirernas. In Drani culture, the hierarchy is not vertical, but horizontal, with genealogical proximity to Maliris being more important than someone with an important title. For example, if an Arlik dies, none of his children will normally be considered, as they are grandchildren of Maliris. Therefore, one of the Arlik’s brothers and sisters, who are direct children of Maliris, regardless of what wife, will most likely occupy the position.
Barliks are all the children of Maliris who are not Arlik himself. Even though they are not the leaders of their families, the Dranate is so large that there is plenty of room for each of them to develop their interests, strengths and plans with a lot of authority, not just being lackeys of their older brother. Barlik, even after 300 years, is the last title that is possibly countable in the number of people who have it. After them, there are his own children, the grandchildren of Maliris, whom the Drani king himself does not even care to know due to their immense number. The children of the Barliks receive the title of Carliks, and this alphabetical sequence is followed until the end of the family. When a Barlik dies, the succession may be by the deceased’s will, if he or she expressed it in life. But if this is not the case, normally the title is inherited by the oldest son or daughter, or by the strongest, each case may occur differently.
Being on the edge of the importance of titles in families, the Barliks developed their own way of feeling important within the giant universe of their family. The creation of the Houses.
Houses function as a family within one of the three great houses. They are usually founded by Barliks, as a way to gain more fame and visibility within their family, as a way to be the leader of something and to get closer to the authority of the Arlik. However, the Arlik is the leader of the entire family, normally not letting any of his brothers and sisters grow too much in importance, thus not allowing the creation of a House. However, when the order comes from above, there is nothing the leader of the family can do against it. If a Barlik, or even a drani of lower title, performs a feat that greatly impresses and pleases Maliris, he can ask for authorization to create his own House within the family. And if the drani king agrees, there is nothing the Arlik can do against it.
Houses are now composed of the drani who started it and their children, grandchildren and so on, just as the Great Families function in relation to Maliris. When creating a House, the Drani must choose a symbol to represent it, and a name to be added to their own and their descendants’ names, as a way of differentiating them from those who are merely part of the Great Families. However, the rule is that the name of the House must always come after that of the Family.

The elite of Maliris’ army. The royal guard of the Drani king, his best, most dedicated and loyal warriors and sons. Translated, Ernadenari means “Perfect Children”. They are generated through a ritual that is prepared for many months, performed only once a year.
For this ritual, Maliris consumes a potion called Viliri daily for months. This substance, day after day, will concentrate latent power in Maliris, but this power cannot be used, only passed on to his offspring. When the limit of power that Maliris can bear is reached, an orgy is held so that this power can be deposited in females, none of whom are his wives in the Great Families. Because of the potion, the Drani king is able to practice the act uninterruptedly, without tiredness or pause. And this ritual cannot be interrupted until Maliris is “empty”. Normally, each year, around 20 to 30 women are impregnated in a single act that lasts from morning to night.
Now pregnant, these women will give birth to the powerful Ernadenari of Maliris. With abnormal power, these children grow at an accelerated pace, leaving their mothers’ wombs within a maximum of one month after pregnancy. And their exit is not easy. Completely injected with power, the babies themselves break out of their mothers’ wombs to come out into the world, often killing them. All Ernadenari, without exception, heir the orange hair of them father, approaching them closer to their father than any drani born into the 3 great families, being another reason for Maliris to sympathize even more with his perfect children.
They are born with intelligence and a complete understanding of the reason why they were created: to be the greatest warriors of Maliris. Many, still soaked in their mothers’ blood, kneel before their fathers before they even take their first breaths of life. Within a year, their bodies are already at their peak. Tall, strong, athletic, perfect.
They are better than normal people in everything. If the best athlete can run a marathon, they can last half the world. They survive on a fraction of the food and drink that someone would normally need. Learn everything at an accelerated speed, knowing more than adults at only 2 years old. And with little effort, they surpass their masters in any fighting style and use of weapons possible. And all of them, from birth, already have Profane mysti shining with intense power in their eyes. They are tall even by elven standards. Both males and females are around 2 meters tall. Typical of elves, and especially in drani society, they have beautiful long hair, all having orange hair just like Maliris.
Dressed in orange armor, the color worn only by their father, the king himself, the Ernadenari are everything a living being can dream of being. Because of the ritual, their wills are inseparably linked to Maliris, which is why they are perfect. Even before they are born, they are loyal and obedient without any choice.