The Ethereal Plane, also known as the Plane of Ideas, or Etherium is one of the Planes of Existence. It is the Plane closest to Real Space, the Mortal Plane.
The Plane is composed entirely of the substance known as Ether, which is moldable and highly manipulable by the thoughts, ideas and mental beliefs of living beings on the Material Plane.
It is the birthplace of beings known as Ethereals. Some are born naturally, without external influence or intention, and others arise due to the direct belief of beings on the Material Plane.
The Ethereal Plane is composed largely of the substance that gives it its name: Ether. When observed normally, ether is naturally a dust, sand or even colored powder, floating in the immensity of the Ethereal Plane, shining with sparkling points, like loose stars on a panel.
Ether, in its Plane of origin, behaves like a gas in space. Just like in the Material Plane, the Ethereal Plane has gravity, although it is immensely reduced. This makes things happen much less frequently in this plane. Due to this difference from real space, common events in the Material Plane do not happen as frequently in the Ethereal Plane.

Formation of Suns, formation of more solid elements, formation of planets. All of this is immensely rare in this place, given the lack of a force necessary for these events to occur.
Thus, for the most part, the Ethereal Plane is an endless sea of ether. With this material simply filling the space in which it is inserted, moving slowly and calmly.
Influence From The Mortal Plane
With its calm nature, the Ethereal Plane is not a place of great events or formation of things, at least not naturally. The Ether of which the entire Plane is composed has one property that is its main one: it is highly reactive to thoughts. Any thought, idea and belief that a living being has shakes the ether, like a stone thrown into a still lake. And since the Ethereal Plane is next to the Material Plane, where living beings born with souls live, it ends up being stirred by the thoughts of these beings at all times.
Through this interaction, living beings are responsible for the agitation in the normally calm Ethereal Plane. Every thought, idea, sensation generated by the mind or even the fact that a mind is functioning stirs the ether and agitates it, generating events that would not normally happen without this interference.
The mind of each person shines in the Ethereal Plane, generating light for a place devoid of suns. Everything that is visible in this plane is seen only because of the minds of living beings, including animals. Soon, the planets, enormous clusters of living beings on the Material Plane, end up being the true suns of the Ethereal Plane. All the minds of the nearby living beings shining individually, generating absurd concentrations of light in the Etherium.
Sea of Sensations
Every thought, emotion, and idea generated by the mind of a living being on the Material Plane stirs the Ethereal Plane. This is what makes the ether move, what gives it color, what gives it function. Unlike living beings, the Ethereal Plane does not forget. Every emotion ever felt, every thought ever reflected, and every idea ever thought by every living being that has ever existed is forever loose in the infinite ether of this plane, keeping it in motion, in agitation.
Every gram of ether in the infinite space of the Etherium holds infinite thoughts forever and ever that keep it in constant motion. Since the ether reacts to thoughts, and these thoughts are forever embedded in the Plane, the place will never again know calm. The more thoughts are sent to the plane, the more agitated it becomes forever and ever.
All these thoughts and ideas stirring the ether permanently result in the apt name of “Sea of Sensations.”
In this sense, the Ethereal Plane is exactly that. The place where all thoughts, emotions and ideas are stored and generate all the agitation and movement present on the plane.

Ethereum Insanity
Even if all life in the universe were to end, even if there were no new thoughts, the Etherium would continue to be agitated by all those that have ever been thought. If the plan has reached a level of chaos, madness and insanity, there is no way to reduce this level, only increase it. A universe composed of infinite thoughts of infinite beings, generating more infinite thoughts every second could be nothing more than a place of pure randomness and insanity.
Anyone who enters the Etherium without having a resistant mind or without some kind of protection is completely exposed to the trillions of thoughts and billions of living beings from the entire history of the universe. There is simply no common mortal mind that can withstand this. It loses the notion of what it is. It no longer knows what is its own thought or those that invade its mind.
It is as if your mind and your thoughts were a fragile aquarium, and everything that makes up the Etherium is like a violent and eternal tsunami being thrown against you at every moment without stopping. Your mind is invaded by infinite thoughts already thought by infinite minds. The person no longer has any notion of what is more their thought or that of others, nor whether their mind is more theirs to think or control. They simply go crazy.
Even if they leave the Etherium quickly, without being bombarded by many thoughts, the chances of after-effects are high, and unlikely to be temporary. In the best case scenario, the person starts talking so quickly that it is impossible to understand what is being said. It is simply the body not being able to keep up with the amount of ideas that are present in their mind now. That is when they do not cause physical damage.
The movement of the ether due to thoughts generates energy that permeates the entire plane. This energy is the result of thoughts from the entire plane, so it is as random as the thoughts that originated it. Contact with this energy can result in the most random mutations possible, depending on the amount of exposure the person has had. The more thoughts attack, the crazier or changed the person becomes.
Although this is more common in the most chaotic zones of the Etherium. Even the most experienced plane travelers understand that a calm and stable place on the Etherium can turn into chaos and insanity the next day. On this plane, even the strongest minds can be consumed by the madness of all others.
Suns of Minds
The Suns of Minds are the equivalent of planets in Etherium. Each thinking living being can be seen from the Ethereal Plane in the form of a point of light, which is its mind. Therefore, an ordinary planet in the Material Plane, full of people, will be seen in Etherium as a cluster of points of light. And the set of all these lights shines uniquely as a Sun of Minds in the Ethereal Plane.
It is important to know that a mind is a generator of thoughts, that is, it repels the ether, pushes it, as if it had a force field around it that pushes the ether away just by the fact that it is functioning, this field is called the Synaptic Field. And this force field in a Sun of Minds is greatly amplified by the immense quantity of them, thus forming a Synaptic Field around the Sun, functioning as a magnetic field of the planets of the Material Plane.

This Synaptic Field of the Sun of Mind repels the aether pushed towards it by the Winds of Sensation, preventing an excess of aether from forming near the Sun. Even though it naturally pushes the Aether away, the mass of the Sun of Mind is large enough to pull the aether in by gravity, only allowing aether to enter and compose parts of its atmospheric layers.
The Sun of Minds has two layers: Lidosphere, the closest and densest; and the Ososphere, higher, floating and light.
The closest to the Sun, the Lidosphere, also known as the “Land of Forgotten Wishes”, contains the ether in its heaviest states: solid and liquid. Most of this layer is a desert of ether in the form of colored sand, rarely becoming more solid than that, such as in the form of rock and metal. Few lakes, rivers and seas, most of it is sand and snow, more dissolved solids that literally snow from the sky, attracted by the Sun’s gravity.
To find even denser states, one must go underground. The temperature of this layer can be raised by thoughts of the Sun, making the ether lighter and thus evaporating it into space.
The only thoughts dense enough to be trapped in this layer are desires. The thought of a person who wanted true love could be seen as a couple formed in the desert sand. The teddy bear that a child always wanted could be found made of water in a pond of liquid ether. No matter the state, the ether moves and is shaped by thoughts. This layer is nothing more than a desert of forgotten desires that will eventually be blown away and destroyed like a sandcastle on the beach.
This is the layer most visited by beings from the Material Plane, as it is the equivalent of the surface of their planet. When someone teleports to the Etherium, they naturally end up appearing in the depths of this layer.
Creatures are rarely born in this layer, as it would take a very dense and concentrated idea or thought to remain in this layer. The beings that live here came from the space outside the layers, from the Sea of Sensations. Beasts that fight and dispute territory in the immensity of this layer. And they will also attack anyone they see.
Composed mainly of ether in the form of clouds and vapor, this layer holds the thoughts and beliefs of living beings. It is in this layer that gods and cultural and folkloric beings are born and live.
Beliefs in deities are thoughts dense enough not to be thrown into the Sea of Sensations of Etherium, nor are they dense enough to overcome the repulsion of the sun and reach the Lidosphere. In this way, they remain in a state of vapor and cloud, literally occupying the sky of the Sun of Minds.

Starfield of Nyx From Magic: The Gatherind. Artist: Tyler Jacobson
From this layer, the beings that live there can use the solid ether that enters the atmosphere to do whatever they want. Build their homes, forge weapons, produce clothing and utensils. This layer is literally the domain of the Ethereal Gods.
Because of their gaseous forms, no matter how hard they try, the gods cannot overcome the repulsion of the sun, and it is not possible to even lay a finger on the Lidosphere desert or use their powers directly in the lower layer.
To do this, they create their Servants. Beings generated by the donation of part of the total essence that makes up the divinity, as a part of themselves. These servants are not affected by the physics of Etherium, and can move to any layer they want and thus act on behalf of their masters. That is why, even though the gods do not reach the lower layer directly, they can establish fortresses and territories through the work of their servants, transforming both layers into an eternal battlefield.

The Ethereals
Just as every plane has native living beings, Etherium is no different. However, since the elevated activity of the Ethereal Plane depends on the minds of living beings from the Material Plane, the beings generated in this place would be no different. Born from the Ether stirred by thoughts, the beings generated in this plane are called Ethereals.
Entrari are the most common type of hollow on this plane. They are creatures born from the madness generated by the emotional storm in the Etherium.
At the beginning of existence, when there were practically no living beings on the Material Plane, there were practically no thoughts, and this left the Etherium very calm and quiet. But after billions of years, and infinite lives and infinite thoughts, the Ethereal Plane became a sea of violently stirred thoughts for all eternity. Ether spinning, shaking, colliding, mixing and spreading in all directions at all times without ever stopping. The very incarnation of chaos, that’s what this place has become.
It is from this chaos that the Entrari are born. Creatures with forms as crazy and diverse as the place that generated them. Being generated by the metabolism of a universe of random thoughts could not generate different creatures.

Trying to understand these entities is trying to understand the madness and insanity from which they were born. They have no conscience or logical reasoning, because logic is not included in their birth. They are random beasts that infest the entire Etherium. Violent and hostile to the extreme, they attack everything they see, be it their own kind, and especially everything that is not even remotely similar to them.
The Ordari, known to mortals as gods, are deities born from the accumulation of thoughts, worship and prayer centered on a single idea. Ordari, in translation, literally means “Born of the Mind”.
Every second that a mind spends thinking about a certain deity contributes to its generation. All thoughts converge in the Etherium and result in the creation of the deity called ordani. No matter how long it takes, if faith and worship are constant, the formation of the god will not be stopped. However, a god only needs worship to be born and strengthened, but not to exist.

The Ordari are a class of ethereal beings known for their intellect and capacity for thought. Their rationality is a reflection of the process that created them. Unlike the Entrari, who are born from the entropy and chaos of the Etherium itself, and this results in their animalistic personality, the Ordari are born from the pure concrete consciousness of living beings. And it is this full notion of what they believe, of what they are praying for, that makes the gods not wild creatures, naturally violent and hostile.
When a certain number of people begin to believe in and venerate a god, this idea begins to pulse in the sun of thoughts, like a vortex or even a spot beating and pulsating like a heart on the surface of that brilliant sphere of ideas. And when the idea receives enough strength concentrated in a single location, a god is born.
Whether he has intelligence or not depends on the idea of the belief that generated him, but normally he has intelligence. Despite being idealized by mortals, the personality of a god is not always in accordance with the belief. He only needs the idea and belief to be born, not to continue existing. In the same way, his personality is defined exclusively by God himself, like any other living being.

Ephara’s Radiance From Magic The Gathering. Artist: James Ryman

If Ordari means “Born of the Mind”, Aosari means “Born of the Body”. They can be considered ethereal gods just like the Ordari, by mortal standards. But there is a glaring difference between the two classes: the reason for their birth.
The Ordari are born because mortals believe in them, pray to them, they want these beings to exist. They are simply collective thoughts of countless people on a single specific idea. The Aosari, on the other hand, are born from the emotions of living beings, not from their thoughts. That is why they are “Born of the Body”.
In addition to thoughts, the Etherium is a sea of emotions. Everything that living beings think and feel is thrown there. And when an emotion, or a set of similar emotions accumulate, agglomerate, an Aosari god is born.
Born from the natural functioning of the plane, like the Entari, and born from something coming from living beings on the Material Plane, like the Ordari. This places the Aosari somewhere in between the two classes, but still being a completely separate class.
Thus, the Aosari are the emotional gods of Etherium, while the Ordari are the rational ones. However, it is common for the Aosari to be born with intelligence, after all, they were generated by the emotions of rational beings. Their form, however, is random, but always reflects the feeling that generated the god.
Unlike the Ordari, who are born in the atmosphere of the Sun of Minds, the Aosari are born in the Sea of Sensations, where the emotions that will give rise to them are loose. They are born from clouds of emotions, enormous concentrated masses of a single emotion or similar emotions that, when they reach a certain point, generate an Aosari god based on that emotion. Because they are formed from the emotions of countless beings, and not just from the devotion of a single people, the Aosari are naturally more powerful than the Ordari, even creating their kingdoms in the midst of the chaos of the Sea of Sensations.
Cults of the Aosari are difficult to create, since they were not conceived or thought of by any people or civilization, and their existence goes unnoticed by mortals. While the Ordari seek to expand their power by increasing their cult, the Aosari only seek to increase the presence of their emotions in mortals. This is why cults of emotional gods often begin with cults of emotions. It is up to each Aosari to decide whether or not he or she cares about receiving worship.
Another thing that both classes of gods have in common is that they must, at all times, survive the endless attacks of the Entrari. Those born of entropy are monsters that attack everything in Etherium, especially those that are different from them, and this is almost always the gods.
For this reason, most of the time, the Ordari form pantheons, a group of gods, a family. By joining forces, they can defend themselves more vigorously and increase their chances of surviving the Entrari. This is the normal and logical thing to do in their condition.
The Aosari, on the other hand, are not formed by logic or rationality. Despite having intelligence, the emotional gods are chaotic, and do not follow the Ordari’s patterns to survive. They simply do what seems preferable to them. They may prefer to form an alliance with other Aosari, join forces with the Ordari, fight against both at the same time, or try to survive alone in the Etherium. There is no way to define what an emotional god will decide to do or what strategy they will adopt to survive, if any.
The Aosari are guided exclusively by that which formed them: emotions.

Their bodies can take any shape, and be made of any state of matter, even flesh, beings thus rare in the Etherium. The Ejari are born in small explosions in the subterranean rivers of magmatic aether. The explosion grows with the size and power of the Ejari. The birth of most does not draw the attention of the gods above. Still, regardless of size, the Ejari are the natural inhabitants of the surface of the Sun of Minds, living in the ground beneath the sky that the Ordari gods call home.
Similar to the Ordari, the Ejari are born through the workings of the Sun of Minds. However, they are not born through belief and directed worship. They are generated in rivers of magmatic aether beneath the surface of the lidosphere. Close to the Sun of Minds itself, the aether underground is quite heated, bubbling with the heat and natural activity of the Sun of Minds. From time to time, beings are generated in these rivers of magmatic aether, these are the Ejari.
Most Ejari are born with forms that resemble living beings from the planet equivalent to the Sun of Minds that generated them, with a few differences that make them unique. The small Ejari can be ignored from the moment they are born, but the large ones cannot. Born from the greatest explosions coming from underground, the largest Ejari are born coming directly to the surface, like a true colossal eruption that announces their existence to all. Not only in size, but also immense in power, being able to easily rival the gods above.
Although it is possible to defy the gods, most Ejari who are born are not intelligent, being little more than very powerful animals, some even calling them “Ethereal Beasts”. Many spend most of their time on the surface of the Sun of Minds, just existing, sleeping, some are even so large that they blend in with the scenery. Some gods manage to attract the attention of the Ejari and, through certain interactions, manage to befriend these beasts born directly from the Sun of Minds. Some Ejari end up becoming companions of a god or even their pet, over time becoming a fixed icon of that god’s image.

Other Ejari, more violent by nature, do not choose to exist only in the lidosphere, and refuse to befriend the gods. They choose to become true beasts of destruction, generating conflicts against other Ejari, and attacking the gods themselves in the ososphere. Only the greatest and most powerful Ejari are capable of choosing such a life and staying alive to continue fighting for supremacy. These Ejari who chose the path of violence are rarely killed quickly, participating in countless conflicts over time, against several enemies of different natures. Some fight so much against a specific being, usually a god, that they end up becoming a declared arch-enemy of that being, creating a rivalry that will only end with the death of one of the two.


To help in whatever way they need, the gods can create their own Interegors. As already mentioned, they do not have the ability to shape the ether to generate life like living beings do, but a god can use their power to do so.
By taking a part of their power, they can generate a servant, created with the appearance that the god desires. The power of the servant depends on the amount of power donated. The more the god donates to create it, the more powerful the servant will be.
In the same way, the god can donate as much power as he wants to create Interegors in the desired quantity. If one gram of power is equivalent to one servant, with 100 grams he can generate 100 Interegors with 1 power, or a servant with 100 power. This depends entirely on the will of the god.
Unlike their creators, Interegors have greater ease in passing through the planes, since they have less power. They do not require great efforts from the other side to pass to the material plane.
The only care he needs to take is to not be subjugated by his own Interegors, or to not give away so much power that he ends up becoming vulnerable, and could be killed by other ethereal beings.