The Mortal Plane, also known as the Material Plane, is one of the Planes of Existence.
Being at the top of the chain of Planes, the Mortal Plane is considered the “ordinary” universe. It contains everything normally seen: planets, stars, galaxies.
Mortal beings are the natives of this plane; any race originating from the Material Plane is considered a mortal race. In addition, mortal beings are the only ones who have souls, and who have the ability to interact with other Planes through the powers of Exarts.
A particular feature of the Mortal Plane are the regions known as Branches. These are regions of the universe with an extreme abundance of one of the Mysti Pillars, each one occupying one of these regions. Each Branch is the place of the beings most naturalized since birth with the respective Mystis of these regions, in addition to being places with a large presence of Mystesis, Mysti Trees and Zuhaitesys.